Applying for a job

If you are looking for employment these phrases will be useful to know. Also included are some of the terms you will see on an application form or will want to put on your CV.

Making a job application

I saw your advert in the paper
could I have an application form?
could you send me an application form?
I'm interested in this position
I'd like to apply for this job

Asking about the job

is this a temporary or permanent position?
what are the hours of work?
will I have to work on Saturdays?
will I have to work shifts?
how much does the job pay?
£10 an hour
£350 a week
what's the salary?
£2,000 a month
£30,000 a year
will I be paid weekly or monthly?
will I get travelling expenses?
will I get paid for overtime?
is there …?
a company car
a staff restaurant
a pension scheme
free medical insurance
how many weeks' holiday a year are there?
who would I report to?
I'd like to take the job
when do you want me to start?

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