

I'd like some … 我需要一些……
toothpaste 牙膏
paracetamol 扑热息痛药
I've got a prescription here from the doctor 这里有医生给我开的处方
have you got anything for …? 你有没有治……的药?
cold sores 唇疱疹
a sore throat 喉咙痛
chapped lips 嘴唇干裂
a cough 咳嗽
travel sickness 晕车
athlete's foot 脚气
can you recommend anything for a cold? 你可以推荐一种感冒药吗?
I'm suffering from … 我(得)……,很难受
hay fever 花粉病
indigestion 便秘
diarrhoea 拉肚子
I've got a rash 我起红疹了
you could try this cream 你可以试一试这个药膏
if it doesn't clear up after a week, you should see your doctor 如果一个星期还不好,你就应该去看医生
have you got anything to help me stop smoking? 有没有能帮助我戒烟的东西?
have you tried nicotine patches? 你试过尼古丁膏药贴吗?
can I buy this without a prescription? 没有处方也可以买这个吗?
it's only available on prescription 这个只能凭处方买
does it have any side-effects? 这个有副作用吗?
it can make you feel drowsy 这个可能让你嗜睡
you should avoid alcohol 你应该避免接触酒精
I'd like to speak to the pharmacist, please 我想要找药剂师谈一下

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