At the dentists

Should you need to visit the dentists during your stay, some of these phrases will be necessary.

At the reception

Can I make an appointment to see the …?
I'd like a check-up
Please take a seat
Would you like to come through?

Having your teeth examined

When did you last visit the dentist?
Have you had any problems?
I've got toothache
One of my fillings has come out
I've chipped a tooth
I'd like a clean and polish, please
Can you open your mouth, please?
A little wider, please
I'm going to give you an x-ray
You've got a bit of decay in this one
You've got an abscess

Dental treatment

You need two fillings
I'm going to have to take this tooth out
Do you want to have a crown fitted?
I'm going to give you an injection
Let me know if you feel any pain
Would you like to rinse your mouth out?
You should make an appointment with the hygienist
How much will it cost?

Sound is available for all the English phrases on this page — simply click on any phrase to hear it.

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