


ad / advert (advertisement的缩写) 广告
application form 申请表格
appointment 预约
CV (curriculum vitae的缩写) 简历
job description 职位描述
interview 面试
job offer / offer of employment 聘请书
qualifications 学历
to apply for a job 申请工作
to accept an offer 接受聘请
to reject an offer / to turn down an offer 拒绝受聘
to hire 雇用
job 工作
career 职业
part-time 兼职
full-time 全职
shift work 轮班工作
temporary 临时的
contract 合同
permanent 固定的
starting date 开始日期
notice period 通知期


bonus 年终奖金
car allowance 车补
company car 公司班车
health insurance 健康保险
holiday pay 休假工资
holiday entitlement 带薪休假
maternity leave 产假
overtime 超时工作
paternity leave 陪产假
part-time education 非全日制教育
pension scheme / pension plan 退休金计划
promotion 升职
salary 工资
salary increase 加薪
sick pay 病假工资
staff restaurant 员工餐厅
training scheme 陪训计划
travel expenses 交通费用
wages 工资
working conditions 工作环境
working hours 工作时间


owner 雇主
managing director 总经理
director 主管
manager 经理
boss 老板
colleague 同事
trainee 培训生
apprentice 学徒
volunteer 志愿者


to fire 解雇
to get the sack 被炒鱿鱼 (口语)
to resign 辞职
to retire 退休
leaving date 离开日期
redundant 被解雇
redundancy 裁员
redundancy pay 遣散费
retirement age 退休年龄


apprenticeship 学徒期
department 部门
experience 经历
factory 工厂
fire drill 火警
health and safety 卫生及安全
internship 实习
meeting 会议
office 办公室
rate of pay 工资
reception 接待处
security 保安
strike 罢工
switchboard 总机
timekeeping 计时
trade union 工会
training course 培训课程
work 工作
work experience 短期实习(一天至一周)
to go on strike 发起罢工
to be off sick 请病假
self-employed 自雇
unemployed 无业
retired 已退休

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